How to do if I do business with a shammer

   Recently, my client in America have to face at a big problem with his supplier in china. He had paid in advance after he get the B/L, but finally found out that the goods have a serious problem that can can not even be use.
   With the investigation, we find that this company is a registered in hongKang,china and mainly work and stay in mainland china, this make the situation worse because such company may just a speculation company, and even that we finally win the case and the enforcement stage  of the legal case will take a very long time because such company may have no ability to pay or will not pay.
   To tell the truth, such kind of problem always happen while we doing business in china, if you do not know well about the new supplier, you’d better entrust a lawyer to make a investigation about the whole situation before you sign a contract, sometime, even do business with the familiar supplier you need to be careful and careful.
For further information, contact lawyer brenna.